Hi! i am fairly new ot flash, but i have to make some portal kind of a website for a demo for my compnay and i have to use a lot of database interaqction. i have cgi files ready which do the things but those cgi files, generate dynamic contect in html. i want to use flash as my interface and use cgi so that i can store, and retrieve info from cgi and show it in would be gr8 if someone can help me out with this or show me the direction/website or book to look at.
i also would like to know how to create movie clips which are configurable..say i want to make a window in flash...i want to be able to use the same window but using may be actionscripts..change the title, color, options(close, dragable,minimize)all these kinds of stuff for different instances without making physical changes in the flash file..u know what i mean...any help would be appreciated..thanx a ton.
i also would like to know how to create movie clips which are configurable..say i want to make a window in flash...i want to be able to use the same window but using may be actionscripts..change the title, color, options(close, dragable,minimize)all these kinds of stuff for different instances without making physical changes in the flash file..u know what i mean...any help would be appreciated..thanx a ton.