How would you know? <g> Software developers normally don't reveal the programming environment in which they create their products.
I have a serious thought to release a free promotional program that would allow prospective buyers to walk through my other software (not a game and not written with DB) in a rather whimsical environment. Sort of an interactive video on steroids. I think it would be quite fun and would provide an entertaining way to explore the software's features.
Thanks for your advice, Alt255. The reasoning behind my question is that, if a neighbor or friend were to ask you which language (BASIC, Pascal, Assembley, ADA, C++, Java)is best for programming games or other applications, how does a person demonstrate the differences between the two or three languages. Keep in mind that the person asking doesn't know much about programming, usually works a 9 to 5 job for $5.00 to $6.00 an hour, has four or more credit cards, 2 to 4 kids to feed, and is very impatient to do an analysis of one language, let alone two or more. Oh, yeah, he or she doesn't have much money to go out and buy every language on the market.
Sorry about my confusion, bsisko. It is a general assumption that most games are written in C++. It is my assumption that Dark Basic was written in C++ (I could be wrong).
Generally, if you want to target a program for a particular platform (say, Microsoft Windows) you want to use a development environment created by the manufacturers of the platform (in this case, Microsoft). You also want to find the fastest and most flexible way to package your product and sell it.
The fastest code comes from Assembly but the development time is much longer because it is really a hard language to use on a large project, like a game. Visual Basic is the most flexible for many projects but it really isn't suited for game programming (Microsoft built a lot of limitations into VB). C++ is fast and flexible but it is expensive and not so easy to learn in a day or two.
Along comes Dark Basic.... the language is easy to learn and the compiled executables run almost as fast as the games created with the more expensive IDE's. Sort of a best-of-both-worlds proposition.
Given your instance of a minimum-wage, over-worked, slightly impatient programmer... my advice would be to do the best thing under the circumstances. If you are starting from scratch and have a lot of time to learn a new language, study C++ while you save enough money to buy a copy. If you want to jump to the head of the line, get the evaluation copy of DB and develop your game. When you find yourself *ready to rock* register your copy, compile the app and sell it!
Again, it all comes down to what you want to do. In one hour you can write a DB game that would require several days of programming in C++ or several weeks in VB (not counting several months, years, whatever of educational "exposure". The Dark Basic developers made it all much easier by writing the toughest code and integrating it into the language. While coding, most programmers aren't aware of the DOS and ROM/BIOS interrupts they are actually calling with their code. They only know that their code works or doesn't work.
I'm quite sure Darbasic was written in C++ and there are not too many commercial games outside there that used Darkbasic, Because darkbasic lack a lot of stuff which is needed for game progamming because its a layer on top of Directx but i heard they are working on it.
yes there are couple of commercial-class games out there, done with Darkbasic.
The thing is, you can really make a commercial class game with Darkbasic, but only few have the "skills" & patience. Most of the guys who could do it are already working in the game industry. So there you go.
And with skills...well, You still have to have some brains to think out the logic. And how to optimize the code. (that's the most important part cos DB isn't really fast)
Also, commercial class usually means that it has a decent GFX. This is what is lacking from most of the DB games... only because there are not enough modellers out there.
And yes, Darkbasic is done with C++. The Exe's DB produces are not machine code but instead DarkBasic is interpreted language. (spelling?)
DarkBASIC Pro will solve all the speed probs and bring more stability and features that will make more of those C++ programmers interested. Soon.
And what comes to the limits. Well, I found DB to be perfect for me. It's still programming and not 'clicking'
. The only thing you can't affect is the Core Engine itself. with Darkmatter addon DLL's are supported so you can do pretty much anything you want.
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