Looking for companies selling commercial DirectX/OCX controls in the video streaming realm. Given up trying to do this from scratch. Already looked at Viscomsoft offering - not suitable for long haul.
I want to create a video chat program (p2p) with audio. I do not wish to consider current solutions which have a 3rd party dependency (e.g. Skype). My number one priority is good performance over long distance (i.e. Canada to Australia). The only p2p options I have found do not utilize compression, UDP streaming, and other necessary tricks for efficient long haul transmission.
Looking for companies selling commercial DirectX/OCX controls in the video streaming realm. Given up trying to do this from scratch. Already looked at Viscomsoft offering - not suitable for long haul.
I want to create a video chat program (p2p) with audio. I do not wish to consider current solutions which have a 3rd party dependency (e.g. Skype). My number one priority is good performance over long distance (i.e. Canada to Australia). The only p2p options I have found do not utilize compression, UDP streaming, and other necessary tricks for efficient long haul transmission.