Aug 23, 2004 #1 Birbone MIS Dec 20, 2000 141 US Know it's in my note, but going for the quick answer. What is the command syntax to identify if a specific patch is installed on an HP-UX 11.0 OS? -B
Know it's in my note, but going for the quick answer. What is the command syntax to identify if a specific patch is installed on an HP-UX 11.0 OS? -B
Aug 23, 2004 Thread starter #2 Birbone MIS Dec 20, 2000 141 US Nevermind, found it faster thatn I thought. Thanks anyway though. swlist -l patch LVM or swlist -l product PH* -B Upvote 0 Downvote
Nevermind, found it faster thatn I thought. Thanks anyway though. swlist -l patch LVM or swlist -l product PH* -B