I want to modify my accounting app to use MySQL database instead of an Access database.
Below is how I write my command and parameters for an access db.
And this is how I assign values to the parameters and create a recordset
How can I change this to use with MySQL database as I understand MySQL does not use adDate
David Paulson
Below is how I write my command and parameters for an access db.
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM AR_Invoice_Detail INNER JOIN (Invoices LEFT JOIN AcctsReceivable ON Invoices.CustID = AcctsReceivable.CustID) ON Invoices.InvoiceID = AR_Invoice_Detail.InvoiceID "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE Printed = True AND DebitTransType = 'I' AND InvoiceDate BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY AcctsReceivable.CustID ORDER BY Max(CustName)"
Set cmdInvoiceList = New ADODB.command
cmdInvoiceList.ActiveConnection = cnAccounting
cmdInvoiceList.CommandText = strSQL
cmdInvoiceList.CommandType = adCmdText
cmdInvoiceList.Prepared = True
Set prmStart = cmdInvoiceList.CreateParameter("Start", adDate, adParamInput, 8)
Set prmEnd = cmdInvoiceList.CreateParameter("End", adDate, adParamInput, 8)
cmdInvoiceList.Parameters.Append prmStart
cmdInvoiceList.Parameters.Append prmEnd
And this is how I assign values to the parameters and create a recordset
prmStart.Value = DateSerial(CLng(cboYear), cboMonth.ItemData(cboMonth.ListIndex), 1)
prmEnd.Value = DateSerial(CLng(cboYear), cboMonth.ItemData(cboMonth.ListIndex) + 1, 0)
Set rsInvoiceList = cmdInvoiceList.Execute
How can I change this to use with MySQL database as I understand MySQL does not use adDate
David Paulson