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Command object and Data grid

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Jul 25, 2001

I'm new to VB. I need to know how to get data into a data grid. I have a form where the user enters a range of dates. I'm using an SQL statement to find the records. How do I set the datamember to a new command. I need to do this at run time not design time.

the code I have is as follows:

Dim WithEvents cnhbook As Connection
Dim rshbook As Recordset
Dim cmd1 As Command
Private Sub cmdrsrch_Click()

Set cnhbook = New Connection
Set rshbook = New Recordset
Set cmd1 = New Command

With cnhbook
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "data source = d:\theresa\hist\books.mdb"
End With

Set cmd1.ActiveConnection = cnhbook
cmd1.CommandText = &quot;select * from books where cdate(bdate)>='&quot; & txtstdt & &quot;' and cdate(bdate)<='&quot; & txtenddt & &quot;'&quot;
cmd1.CommandType = adCmdText
Set rshbook = cmd1.Execute

now what do I do?????

Any help would be apprecitated!!

Thanks.. Theresa

Add an ADO Data control to your form (we'll call it adoData). Select the ADO Data control as the data source for your grid. Build your SQL Statement based on the dates entered and then update the recordsource for the Data control.

Dim sSQL as String

sSQL = &quot;select * from books where books.DateField >=#&quot; & Me.txtFromDate & &quot;# and Books.DateField <= #&quot; & Me.txtToDate & &quot;#&quot;

Me.adoData.RecordSource = sSQL

Hi Terpfan2001,

Thanks for the input, but I get the error it is read only. I really don't want to have a data control on the form. Is there way to just name the command object so I can set the datagrid.datamember to the name of the command?

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