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Comma Style for calc.exe possible? (throught edit / tweak, etc...)

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Technical User
May 1, 2002
I apologize if this is not the correct forum to post this question.

Is it at all possible to have the MS Calc.exe program display numbers using the Comma Style instead of its current straight numbers? By that I mean, say you have a figure of 123456. Calc.exe currently displays it as "123456". I would like the program to display it like "123,456". Commas for every thousand.

Is this possible some way?

Thanks in advance. Pronunciation: 'lO-kE
Function: noun
Etymology: Old Norse
Definition: a Norse god who contrives evil and mischief for his fellow gods
start/run/type calc/hit enter
once calc comes up, at the top of calc, select view, as drop down box appears, single click on 'Digit Grouping'
I wouldn't have posted this question if I hadn't already made sure to check every menu option / button, etc... ;)

This particular Version (4.0), Build (1381) & Service Pack (6) of the calc.exe does not have that menu item. However, I do have that option on my home computer (running WinXP).

My office computer runs WinNT.

Another question then...does the calc.exe file write anything to the registry? With me being in the Government, our tech people have blocked anything getting written to the registry.

If calc.exe does not write anything to the registry, logic would dictate that I could just copy the file from my home computer and install in on my work computer, right? Pronunciation: 'lO-kE
Function: noun
Etymology: Old Norse
Definition: a Norse god who contrives evil and mischief for his fellow gods
Thx for the help. I couldn't find a basic calculator that I liked on the link you provided (BUT, I did end up adding the site to my favorites). ;) I went to downloads.com and did a search on calculators and found a nice one that I could successfully install on my work computer (it is called Calc98 if anyone is interested).

Again, thx for everyones help. :D Pronunciation: 'lO-kE
Function: noun
Etymology: Old Norse
Definition: a Norse god who contrives evil and mischief for his fellow gods
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