I am trying to read a comma delimited (CSV) file in Delphi 3. The record originally had 1434 fields. My original program was in Clipper, which handles files that big. Delphi choked on a record with that many fields. I broke the file up into 250 field chunks. Now it only reads the first field in each record. I have checked for extra characters. There is nothing there. I tried adding a space before the first field.
2 things I need. First if anyone has an idea what might be wrong, please let me know. Second, if anyone knows how you can use a file with records longer than 255 fields, that would be even better. I have a number of Clipper programs with large records.
Thanks for any help from anyone.
2 things I need. First if anyone has an idea what might be wrong, please let me know. Second, if anyone knows how you can use a file with records longer than 255 fields, that would be even better. I have a number of Clipper programs with large records.
Thanks for any help from anyone.