VS 2008
I am using a binding source that is bound to a dataset with one table called AddressBook.
The binding source is bound to a combo box.
The address book table consists of 2 columns (number, name). There will be no duplicate phone numbers, as if it is already in the combo box it will
just set it to index zero.
This is just a simple table as I want to display the recent phone numbers.
When someone enters a phone number it will add it to the combo box, and position the number as index 0 (most recent).
However, if the phone number is already stored, then it should move it to index 0.
So this just a simple combo box that displays the most recent calls that are made. Just like any mobile phone.
This is my code so far. However, I am having a problem with moving the item to the top. is there some way this could be done better.
Many thanks for any advice,
VS 2008
I am using a binding source that is bound to a dataset with one table called AddressBook.
The binding source is bound to a combo box.
The address book table consists of 2 columns (number, name). There will be no duplicate phone numbers, as if it is already in the combo box it will
just set it to index zero.
This is just a simple table as I want to display the recent phone numbers.
When someone enters a phone number it will add it to the combo box, and position the number as index 0 (most recent).
However, if the phone number is already stored, then it should move it to index 0.
So this just a simple combo box that displays the most recent calls that are made. Just like any mobile phone.
This is my code so far. However, I am having a problem with moving the item to the top. is there some way this could be done better.
Many thanks for any advice,
//Item doesn't exist so add it and display as the first item
if (!this.bsRedialedNumbers.Contains(this.txtDetails.Text))
DataRowView drv;
drv = (DataRowView)this.bsRedialedNumbers.AddNew();
drv["Name"] = this.txtDisplay.Text;
drv["Number"] = this.txtDisplay.Text;
else //Item already exists so just move it to the top of the list.
//Move the item to the top of the combo box.
DataRowView drv;
drv = (DataRowView)this.bsRedialedNumbers;
int index = this.bsRedialedNumbers.Find("Number", txtDetails.Text);