I've got a knotty problem here that I've been trying to resolve for some time.
In the application I've been working with, the . Specifically, my problem here is that functions that performed fine on the computer I wrote them on at home don't work on the IBM ThinkPad I'm working with out in the
field. Everything compiles OK but the combo boxes I'm using to display a list of log specie names for user selection no longer extract/display the data from my Access (2000) database.
The operating systems, database, and Delphi 7.0 are all the same as on my home system.
The database is in a different directory but I've revised the environmental variables to reflect the new paths and changed the various Connection Strings associated with the Datasources, ADOTables, and ADOQuerys as follow;
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Delphi Development\SawMill Operation Systems Development\SawMill_Operation.mdb;Persist Security Info=False
"Active" in both the ADOTables and ADOQuerys are set to false. Attempting to set their values to "True" results in an error for circular datalinks in the case of ADOTables or Missing SQL Property in the case of ADOQuerys. The following are the specifics from the form for the aforementioned objects.
object adotLogSpecie: TADOTable
ConnectionString =
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Delphi Developme' +
'nt\SawMill Operation Systems Development\SawMill_Operation.mdb;P' +
'ersist Security Info=False'
CursorType = ctStatic
TableName = 'Specie'
Left = 208
object dsLogSpecie: TDataSource
DataSet = adotLogSpecie
Left = 168
object adoqLogSpecie: TADOQuery
ConnectionString =
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Delphi Developme' +
'nt\SawMill Operation Systems Development\SawMill_Operation.mdb;P' +
'ersist Security Info=False'
DataSource = dsLogSpecie
Parameters = <>
Left = 248
This is only one of several lookup combos and only one database out of two I'm working on. None of the combos function as they did at home. I'm starting to wonder about some permission I've overlooked.
I could use some help here. And thank you for any you can provide.
B. Kilgore
In the application I've been working with, the . Specifically, my problem here is that functions that performed fine on the computer I wrote them on at home don't work on the IBM ThinkPad I'm working with out in the
field. Everything compiles OK but the combo boxes I'm using to display a list of log specie names for user selection no longer extract/display the data from my Access (2000) database.
The operating systems, database, and Delphi 7.0 are all the same as on my home system.
The database is in a different directory but I've revised the environmental variables to reflect the new paths and changed the various Connection Strings associated with the Datasources, ADOTables, and ADOQuerys as follow;
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Delphi Development\SawMill Operation Systems Development\SawMill_Operation.mdb;Persist Security Info=False
"Active" in both the ADOTables and ADOQuerys are set to false. Attempting to set their values to "True" results in an error for circular datalinks in the case of ADOTables or Missing SQL Property in the case of ADOQuerys. The following are the specifics from the form for the aforementioned objects.
object adotLogSpecie: TADOTable
ConnectionString =
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Delphi Developme' +
'nt\SawMill Operation Systems Development\SawMill_Operation.mdb;P' +
'ersist Security Info=False'
CursorType = ctStatic
TableName = 'Specie'
Left = 208
object dsLogSpecie: TDataSource
DataSet = adotLogSpecie
Left = 168
object adoqLogSpecie: TADOQuery
ConnectionString =
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Delphi Developme' +
'nt\SawMill Operation Systems Development\SawMill_Operation.mdb;P' +
'ersist Security Info=False'
DataSource = dsLogSpecie
Parameters = <>
Left = 248
This is only one of several lookup combos and only one database out of two I'm working on. None of the combos function as they did at home. I'm starting to wonder about some permission I've overlooked.
I could use some help here. And thank you for any you can provide.
B. Kilgore