Technical User
Let me preface this post by explaining that I am VERY new to .Net and usually have my head stuck up SQL Server Management Studio.
I am trying to modify a combobox so that it displays the values returned from a stored procedure. Seems pretty simple, but when Debugging, the only values that are displayed are the "System.Data.DataRowView" for every value returned.
Somehow I am not assigning the value correctly, just not sure how.
I am trying to modify a combobox so that it displays the values returned from a stored procedure. Seems pretty simple, but when Debugging, the only values that are displayed are the "System.Data.DataRowView" for every value returned.
Somehow I am not assigning the value correctly, just not sure how.
cmd.CommandText = "stpRecruiters"
dtr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
dtb.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("strAssignedRecruiter", GetType(String)))
While dtr.Read
drw = dtb.NewRow
drw("strAssignedRecruiter") = dtr("strAssignedRecruiter")
End While
cboRecruiter.DataSource = dtb