Hello, im new to .net, im using a windows form with a datagrid, in that data grid i display information about my costumers, id, Name, Country, pay method, pay conditions, ..
I´m using a DataGridComboBoxColumn to display not the code of the country (table Costumers) but the name of the country (table country).
The problem is that tha cell display the code of the country, only when i open the combo i can see the names .
after i fill the dataset with the tables costumers and country, this is the code i use to format the data grid, currently im using only 2 fields from table Costumers, until resolve this problem
Can be the problem in the comboboxcolumn class
I´m using a DataGridComboBoxColumn to display not the code of the country (table Costumers) but the name of the country (table country).
The problem is that tha cell display the code of the country, only when i open the combo i can see the names .
after i fill the dataset with the tables costumers and country, this is the code i use to format the data grid, currently im using only 2 fields from table Costumers, until resolve this problem
private sub FillGrid()
DvClientes.AllowNew = False
Dim ts As New DataGridTableStyle
ts.MappingName = "Def_costumers"
DataGrid1.DataSource = (MyDataSet.Tables("costumers"))
Dim Col1 As New DataGridTextBoxColumn
Col1.MappingName = MyDataSet.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnName
Col1.HeaderText = "Id"
Col1.Width = 20
Dim Col4 As New DataGridComboBoxColumn
Col4.MappingName = MyDataSet.Tables(0).Columns(3).ColumnName
Col4.HeaderText = "Country"
Col4.Width = 100
ts.PreferredRowHeight = (Col4.ColumnComboBox.Height + 3)
Col4.ColumnComboBox.DataSource = MyDataSet.Tables(5).DefaultView 'table country
Col4.ColumnComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name"' fields from country
Col4.ColumnComboBox.ValueMember = "Cod_Country"'fields from country
Col4.ColumnComboBox.DropDownStyle = comboBoxStyle.DropDownList
DataGrid1.DataSource = MyDataSet.Tables(0)
end sub
Can be the problem in the comboboxcolumn class