Currently I have a I have an asp page front end that is linked to a database query asp. The front-end consists of a text boxes and associated buttons.<br>i.e.<br>----------------<br><br>Search by Customer ID <text box> <button><br>Search by Customer Name <text box> <button><br>Search by Customer E-Mail <text box> <button> <br><br>----------------<br><br>when any of the buttons associated with a query search on something such as "Customer ID" is pressed another asp script is called that processes the query with the variable inside the text box. I have already got this working.<br><br>My problem is that doing it this way takes up more space and means the page has less integrity. I would like to make it so that "Customer ID","Customer Name" etc come up in a combo box with one button next to it. When the button is pressed the database query script loads up. How do I implement the html code for the combo box? How can I code the asp script so it knows what option was selected from the combo box so it knows what query to process.<br><br>my database query script looks something like this:<br><br>-------------------------------------------------<br><br><html><br><head><br><title>Database Test</title><br></head><br><body><br><% <br>Dim rs<br>Dim StrQuery<br>Dim strAction<br>Dim strSQL<br>Dim rsFileDesc<br><br>strAction = Request.Form("button"<br><br>Select Case strAction<br><br>Case "Search ID"<br><br>StrQuery = "Select * from Customer where CustID = " & Cint(Request("CustID")& ""<br><br>Case "Search Name"<br><br>StrQuery = "Select * from Customer where CustName = " & "'" & Request("CustName"& "'"<br><br>Case "Search Query"<br><br>StrQuery = "Select * from Customer"<br><br>Case "List All Customers"<br><br>StrQuery = "Select * from Customer"<br>Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br>rs.Open StrQuery ,"DSN=Architron; UID=sa; PWD="<br><br><br>rs.MoveFirst<br>%><br><br><table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" BORDER="0" WIDTH="850" ><br><tr><br><td align= "center" width="70" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >Customer ID</td><br><br><td align= "center" width="150" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >Customer Name</td><br><br><td align= "center" width="120" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >Phone</td><br><br><td align= "center" width="120" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >Fax</td><br><br><td align= "center" width="150" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >E-mail</td><br><br><td align= "center" width="110" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >Space Allocated (MB)</td><br><br><td align= "center" width="60" bgcolor=#CCCCCC >Space Used</td><br></tr><br><%<br>While Not rs.EOF %><br><TR><TD align= "center" BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("CustID" %></TD> <br><TD BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("CustName" %></TD> <br><TD BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("Phone" %></TD><br><TD BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("Fax" %></TD><br><TD BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("email" %></TD> <br><TD align= "center" BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("SpaceAllocationInMB" %></TD><br><TD align= "center" BGCOLOR="#99FF99"> <% Response.Write rs("SpaceUsed"%></TD></TR> <br><%<br>rs.MoveNext<br>Wend %><br><br></Table><br><% <br><br>Response.End <br><br>End select<br><br>Set rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br>rs.Open StrQuery ,"DSN=Architron; UID=sa; PWD="<br><br>if Not rs.EOF then<br>rs.movefirst<br>While Not rs.EOF<br>Response.Write "Customer ID: " & rs("CustID"& "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Customer Name : " & rs("CustName" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Address: " & rs("Address1" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write ": " & rs("Address2" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write ": " & rs("Address3" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write ": " & rs("Address4" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write ": " & rs("Address5" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "PostCode: " & rs("PostCode" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Phone: " & rs("Phone" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Fax: " & rs("Fax" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "E-mail: " & rs("email" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Can Upload: " & rs("CanUpload" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Can Download: " & rs("CanDownLoad" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Space Allocated (MB) : " & rs("SpaceAllocationInMB" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "Space Used: " & rs("SpaceUsed" & "<br>"<br>Response.Write "<br>"<br>rs.MoveNext<br>Wend<br><br>strSQL = "Select * from FileDescription where CustId = " & Cint(Request("CustID")& ""<br><br>Set rsFileDesc = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset"<br>rsFileDesc.Open strSQL ,"DSN=Architron; UID=sa; PWD="<br><br>if rsFileDesc.EOF then<br>else<br>rsFileDesc.MoveFirst<br>While not rsFileDesc.EOF<br> Response.write "File ID: " & rsFileDesc("FileID"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "File Name: " & rsFileDesc("FileName"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "File Size: " & rsFileDesc("Size"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "Last Modified: " & rsFileDesc("LastModified"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "Attributes: " & rsFileDesc("Attributes"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "Compressed: " & rsFileDesc("Compressed"& "<br>" <br> Response.write "Customer ID: " & rsFileDesc("CustId"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "Upload Date: " & rsFileDesc("UploadDate"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "Image ID: " & rsFileDesc("ImageId"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "Stored Size: " & rsFileDesc("StoredSize"& "<br>"<br> Response.write "<br>"<br> rsFileDesc.MoveNext <br>wend<br>end if<br>else<br> Response.write " No Match Record Found" & "<br>"<br>end if<br><br>rs.Close<br>rsFileDesc.close<br>Set rs = Nothing <br>Set rsFileDesc = Nothing %><br></body><br></html> <br><br>-------------------------------------------------<br><br>Note: I have a select case block which determines the button pressed and selects the correct query, right now.<br><br>Grateful for any help given, :].<br>