Thanks everyone for all your tips so far. I think I almost have it.
Table looks like this:
Main Sub
A 1
A 2
B 3
C 4
C 5
I have a form with 2 combo boxes
Combo1 contains the data from Main Category
Combo2 should contain only the subcategories for the main category chosen in combo box one
Decyphering all the suggestions so far, here is what I have done:
Combo1 Rowsource is set up as
Select Distinct [Main Cetgory] from [TableName]
Combo2 rowsource is set up as a query which which cites the following criteria under Main category
[Forms]![formname]![Main Category]
Display deactivated
And the subcategory with display activated
Combo1 AfterUpdate - a Macro to run the Query
Everything seems to work EXCEPT that the query runs and the datasheet appears. But when I close the datasheet, the right subcategories appear in the combo box which is much better than before
How do I stop the datasheet from popping up (keeping in miond I am using 97). i don't want to see it, I just want the combo box to update. Any Suggestions.
Table looks like this:
Main Sub
A 1
A 2
B 3
C 4
C 5
I have a form with 2 combo boxes
Combo1 contains the data from Main Category
Combo2 should contain only the subcategories for the main category chosen in combo box one
Decyphering all the suggestions so far, here is what I have done:
Combo1 Rowsource is set up as
Select Distinct [Main Cetgory] from [TableName]
Combo2 rowsource is set up as a query which which cites the following criteria under Main category
[Forms]![formname]![Main Category]
Display deactivated
And the subcategory with display activated
Combo1 AfterUpdate - a Macro to run the Query
Everything seems to work EXCEPT that the query runs and the datasheet appears. But when I close the datasheet, the right subcategories appear in the combo box which is much better than before
How do I stop the datasheet from popping up (keeping in miond I am using 97). i don't want to see it, I just want the combo box to update. Any Suggestions.