I hope this is just an easy quick question. Can a combo box in a form have a table control source different than the table source of the form itself?
I want the form to be linked to table tblEmployeeInfo, but then select data from other tables via comboboxes. A recordset on a command button then populates a different table (tblTimeCard) with the selected data in all of the combo boxes. The reason I want the form tied to tblEmployeeInfo is because I want a subform with a master-child link to the form based on EmployeeID which is in tblEmployeeInfo.
Thanks for any help,
I hope this is just an easy quick question. Can a combo box in a form have a table control source different than the table source of the form itself?
I want the form to be linked to table tblEmployeeInfo, but then select data from other tables via comboboxes. A recordset on a command button then populates a different table (tblTimeCard) with the selected data in all of the combo boxes. The reason I want the form tied to tblEmployeeInfo is because I want a subform with a master-child link to the form based on EmployeeID which is in tblEmployeeInfo.
Thanks for any help,