Technical User
I am using a the following rowsource for tblRosters.fldPlayerID where I am trying to Input football players onto a team's roster.
SELECT [tblPlayers].[fldFirst], [tblPlayers].[fldLast], [tblPlayers].[fldPosition], [tblPlayers].[fldPlayerID] FROM tblPlayers;
Bound Column = 4
Column Count = 4
Column Heads = No
Column Widths = {BLANK}
List Rows = 8
List Width = Auto
Limit to List = Yes
The problem I am having is data entry related. For example(s) when I try to input players via datasheet view here is how the combo box looks to me.
John | Smith | QB
Kevin | Lee | HB
Lets say I wanted John Smith... so I select that entry for the new record...only "John" displays.
Now Lets Say I wanted to add "John Taylor"...it won't work...the only selection available to me is the first match which was John Smith.
What am I doing wrong?
SELECT [tblPlayers].[fldFirst], [tblPlayers].[fldLast], [tblPlayers].[fldPosition], [tblPlayers].[fldPlayerID] FROM tblPlayers;
Bound Column = 4
Column Count = 4
Column Heads = No
Column Widths = {BLANK}
List Rows = 8
List Width = Auto
Limit to List = Yes
The problem I am having is data entry related. For example(s) when I try to input players via datasheet view here is how the combo box looks to me.
John | Smith | QB
Kevin | Lee | HB
Lets say I wanted John Smith... so I select that entry for the new record...only "John" displays.
Now Lets Say I wanted to add "John Taylor"...it won't work...the only selection available to me is the first match which was John Smith.
What am I doing wrong?