I have a rather simple but perplexing problem. I am creating a way for the use to enter and print invoices. To do so, I have an invoice form (InvoiceEntry) and an invoice details subform (InvoiceDetails) and they seem to work well except for one thing; when an invoice detail line is entered in the form, and an item number is chosen from the combo box, the result is just the item name. I also want to have the item description and unit price populate the line. However, after researching this site and Access Help, I just cannot see how to do this. I looked at MajP's "FindByCombo" demo file and see that this works well, but after several tries, I cannot reproduce this. To do that, I tried making another subform called ItemDetails which would display the Item Name, Item Description and Unit Price after the Item Name was chosen in the combo box on the InvoiceDetails subform. However this ItemDetails subform does not even show on the InvoiceDetails form. It does show up in Design View however. Please help me with this problem. Thank you.