I'm trying to write a view whose recordset will be the RowSource for a big combo box that essentially displays a user's search results. I've done this before, but am now having trouble.
Ideally, the combobox will display an account name, ID number, client name, reference number, last call date, last call time, and last call result.
I have a table named "contacts" which contains the account name, ID number, reference number, and client ID number. I have created a view named "clientnames", which fetches the clientname based on the clientID value in the contact record, and another view named "lastcall" which is SUPPOSED to fetch the last record in the "calls" table for the corresponding ID number.
I think this is where my problem lies, because this is a new database with empty tables except for a few test records I created, and I'm getting more than one record returned. I should be seeing this:
theLastCall Contact ID Call Date Call Time Result
6/2/2009 9:33:23 PM 1 6/2/2009 9:33 PM LMOR
but it returns this:
theLastCall Contact ID Call Date Call Time Result
6/2/2009 9:21:03 PM 1 6/2/2009 9:20 PM BUSY
6/2/2009 9:33:23 PM 1 6/2/2009 9:33 PM LMOR
Can someone tell me why neither MAX nor MAX Distinct will limit my result to the last record in the table?
Below is the code for the master view to populate the combobox...which currently returns NO RECORDS...
Thanks in advance for any insight-
IF WebApplicationProgrammer = True Then
ElectronicSheepHerder = True
End If
I'm trying to write a view whose recordset will be the RowSource for a big combo box that essentially displays a user's search results. I've done this before, but am now having trouble.
Ideally, the combobox will display an account name, ID number, client name, reference number, last call date, last call time, and last call result.
I have a table named "contacts" which contains the account name, ID number, reference number, and client ID number. I have created a view named "clientnames", which fetches the clientname based on the clientID value in the contact record, and another view named "lastcall" which is SUPPOSED to fetch the last record in the "calls" table for the corresponding ID number.
SELECT DISTINCT MAX(DISTINCT tstamp) AS theLastCall, ContactID, CallDate, CallTime, Result
FROM dbo.Calls
GROUP BY ContactID, CallDate, CallTime, Result
I think this is where my problem lies, because this is a new database with empty tables except for a few test records I created, and I'm getting more than one record returned. I should be seeing this:
theLastCall Contact ID Call Date Call Time Result
6/2/2009 9:33:23 PM 1 6/2/2009 9:33 PM LMOR
but it returns this:
theLastCall Contact ID Call Date Call Time Result
6/2/2009 9:21:03 PM 1 6/2/2009 9:20 PM BUSY
6/2/2009 9:33:23 PM 1 6/2/2009 9:33 PM LMOR
Can someone tell me why neither MAX nor MAX Distinct will limit my result to the last record in the table?
Below is the code for the master view to populate the combobox...which currently returns NO RECORDS...
SELECT dbo.Contacts.Accountname AS [Account Name], dbo.clientnames.ClientID AS [Client Name], dbo.Contacts.ClientRefNumber AS [Ref. #],
dbo.Contacts.ClientID, dbo.Contacts.ContactID, dbo.lastcall.Result, dbo.lastcall.CallTime, dbo.lastcall.CallDate
FROM dbo.Contacts INNER JOIN
dbo.clientnames ON dbo.Contacts.ClientID = dbo.clientnames.ClientID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.lastcall ON dbo.Contacts.ContactID = dbo.lastcall.ContactID
WHERE (dbo.Contacts.Active = 1)
GROUP BY dbo.Contacts.ClientRefNumber, LEFT(dbo.clientnames.ClientID, 3), dbo.clientnames.ClientID, dbo.Contacts.Accountname, dbo.Contacts.ContactID,
dbo.Contacts.ClientID, dbo.lastcall.Result, dbo.lastcall.CallTime, dbo.lastcall.CallDate
HAVING (LEFT(dbo.clientnames.ClientID, 3) = dbo.Contacts.ClientID)
Thanks in advance for any insight-
IF WebApplicationProgrammer = True Then
ElectronicSheepHerder = True
End If