Hello Forum,
I have a database and the data is like:
EmployeeName EmployeeID State Committee Salary
John Aldi 1 TX Action Committee 5000
John Aldi 1 TX Insurance Committee 5000
John Aldi 1 TX Non Profit Committee 5000
John Aldi 1 TX Political Committee 5000
Derek Youk 1 NJ XXXXX Committee 4500
Derek Youk 1 NJ YYYY Committee 4500
Derek Youk 1 NJ AAAAA Committee 4500
Derek Youk 1 NJ BBBBB Committee 4500
I can do the grouping on EmployeeID to get the data for each employee. The problem is I need to display the data in the report is like
EmployeeName EmployeeID State Salary
John Aldi 1 TX 5000
Action Committee
Insurance Committee
Non Profit Committee
Political Committee
Derek Youk 1 NJ 4500
XXXXX Committee
YYYY Committee
AAAAA Committee
BBBBB Committee
All the committees for each employee should be displayed in one text field. I tried using an array to combine all the committees for each employee and then place that text field in that group but I was not able to do it. I tried using sub report but because of large volume of data, It is taking really long time to display the report.
Can any one tell me the right way to do this ?
Thanks in Advance.
I have a database and the data is like:
EmployeeName EmployeeID State Committee Salary
John Aldi 1 TX Action Committee 5000
John Aldi 1 TX Insurance Committee 5000
John Aldi 1 TX Non Profit Committee 5000
John Aldi 1 TX Political Committee 5000
Derek Youk 1 NJ XXXXX Committee 4500
Derek Youk 1 NJ YYYY Committee 4500
Derek Youk 1 NJ AAAAA Committee 4500
Derek Youk 1 NJ BBBBB Committee 4500
I can do the grouping on EmployeeID to get the data for each employee. The problem is I need to display the data in the report is like
EmployeeName EmployeeID State Salary
John Aldi 1 TX 5000
Action Committee
Insurance Committee
Non Profit Committee
Political Committee
Derek Youk 1 NJ 4500
XXXXX Committee
YYYY Committee
AAAAA Committee
BBBBB Committee
All the committees for each employee should be displayed in one text field. I tried using an array to combine all the committees for each employee and then place that text field in that group but I was not able to do it. I tried using sub report but because of large volume of data, It is taking really long time to display the report.
Can any one tell me the right way to do this ?
Thanks in Advance.