Using crystal 8.0and 9.0, I am attempting to create a financial report. I have 3 issues. 1. Need to group acsending by gift effective date (gift_field.effective_date). 2. Keep account numbers(gift_field.account_number) together so I can summarize by account number and gift effective date. 3. Show pledge transaction first, then pledge payment(gift_field.gifttype). The common theme is that all three factors use the same field, namely the gift_field. Problem is if I create a group based on effective date then use the sort order button to group the pledge transaction first, I cannot summarize by account number. This is because a pledge can be made in one year and paid several years later. Essentially, the account numbers get broken up. Is there a way to combine the two fields (effective date and accout number) into one group using the gift_field as the basis.