I'm having problem running a VBScript routine to combine separate YYYY, MM, DD fields into one field and then validate if between selected dates;
strFromDate = InputBox("Enter From Date:"
strToDate = InputBox("Enter To Date:"
Select AYear + AMonth + ADay as ADate, Field1, Field 2, Field3 FROM Table WHERE ADate BETWEEN " & strFromDate & " and " & strToDate & "
As I'm faily new to SQL can anyone help with the syntax?
strFromDate = InputBox("Enter From Date:"
strToDate = InputBox("Enter To Date:"
Select AYear + AMonth + ADay as ADate, Field1, Field 2, Field3 FROM Table WHERE ADate BETWEEN " & strFromDate & " and " & strToDate & "
As I'm faily new to SQL can anyone help with the syntax?