I have two main tables EMPPER and EMPFUNDA connected by EMP_ID.
EMPPER (EMP_ID, and other fields I don't need)
The ACT_TYPE is an E or an M and employees usually have both with and amt specific to that TYPE (The amount varies and can be zero). The EMP_ID repeats itself as it creates a row once for E and then again for M.
EX: 4556789 9/21/05 E 56.70
4556789 9/21/05 M 88.20
1234567 9/21/05 E 66.20
1234567 9/21/05 M 77.00
The only unique identifier is a column I think Actuate creates called COLUMN_KEY.
I need a report that shows: EMP_ID, FUND_DATE, ACT_TYPE(E), ACT_AMT(E),ACT_TYPE(M), ACT_AMT(M) -- all on one row
EX. 1234567 9/21/05 M 77.00 E 66.20
-- the problem is I keep getting the E and the M info on two rows.
I have tried alias tables, grouping, different kinds of joins but can't get the info in the correct format.
Appreciate any help!
Thank you!
EMPPER (EMP_ID, and other fields I don't need)
The ACT_TYPE is an E or an M and employees usually have both with and amt specific to that TYPE (The amount varies and can be zero). The EMP_ID repeats itself as it creates a row once for E and then again for M.
EX: 4556789 9/21/05 E 56.70
4556789 9/21/05 M 88.20
1234567 9/21/05 E 66.20
1234567 9/21/05 M 77.00
The only unique identifier is a column I think Actuate creates called COLUMN_KEY.
I need a report that shows: EMP_ID, FUND_DATE, ACT_TYPE(E), ACT_AMT(E),ACT_TYPE(M), ACT_AMT(M) -- all on one row
EX. 1234567 9/21/05 M 77.00 E 66.20
-- the problem is I keep getting the E and the M info on two rows.
I have tried alias tables, grouping, different kinds of joins but can't get the info in the correct format.
Appreciate any help!
Thank you!