I am looking to take 3 fields and put them into one field. For example, I have a contract# a structure# and a plate# and I want to put them together to create a unique id
Cont# = 804
str# = 443
plat# = 10
new field = 80444310
The strucure# and plate# could be anything from 1 to 999, whilst the contract# is always 3 figures although it may increase to 4 at a later date. The values of all 3 fields are integers.
Cont# = 804
str# = 443
plat# = 10
new field = 80444310
The strucure# and plate# could be anything from 1 to 999, whilst the contract# is always 3 figures although it may increase to 4 at a later date. The values of all 3 fields are integers.