Using: CR 9.0
Database: Btrieve
I would like to create a report like the following:
A 10 11
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
A 20 21
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
A 22 33
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
B 10 11
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
I use 3 groupings:
1:Group on Productcode: A/B/C/D etc.
2:Group on prodtype: 10/11/22/33 etc.
4:Group on Length: 100/200/300/400 etc.
This data I get from a code in my table:
From this code code I extract the filtering criteria with a MID function. Everything goes fine except for one little problem:
I can't get the report to show the data of different prodtypes (e.g. 10/11) next to eachother like in the expected output above. Is it possible to say to Crystal Reports to group the data on 2 criteria. Once I have grouped the data on two prodtype criteria I can filter the data in the detail section by checking on type. This I have already created. It lookes like this:
Left part of the table:
if (mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)="10" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "20" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "22") and mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},7,4) = "0300" then
Right part of the table:
if (mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)="11" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "21" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "33") and mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},7,4) = "0300" then
The data in the detail section has been summarized and supressed.
the "0300" represents the height (x-axis below type).
Hoop this makes a little sense. Any help is very welcome!!
Using: CR 9.0
Database: Btrieve
I would like to create a report like the following:
A 10 11
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
A 20 21
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
A 22 33
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
B 10 11
300 400 500 600 700 300 400 500 600 700
100 4 0 0 0 8 9 0 9 4 0
200 0 8 0 ...
300 ..
400 .
I use 3 groupings:
1:Group on Productcode: A/B/C/D etc.
2:Group on prodtype: 10/11/22/33 etc.
4:Group on Length: 100/200/300/400 etc.
This data I get from a code in my table:
From this code code I extract the filtering criteria with a MID function. Everything goes fine except for one little problem:
I can't get the report to show the data of different prodtypes (e.g. 10/11) next to eachother like in the expected output above. Is it possible to say to Crystal Reports to group the data on 2 criteria. Once I have grouped the data on two prodtype criteria I can filter the data in the detail section by checking on type. This I have already created. It lookes like this:
Left part of the table:
if (mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)="10" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "20" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "22") and mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},7,4) = "0300" then
Right part of the table:
if (mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)="11" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "21" or mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},1,2)= "33") and mid({GEPRS.Prod_code},7,4) = "0300" then
The data in the detail section has been summarized and supressed.
the "0300" represents the height (x-axis below type).
Hoop this makes a little sense. Any help is very welcome!!