Hello Everyone,
Thank you in advance for reading my post. I am trying to figure how to approach this problem. My company ships stuff internationally to Asian countries and to make things easier we want to create one invoice out of multiple ones for the same customer for any given billing period. Basically a single customer may have lets say 3, 5 or however many invoices for a billing period. Each separate invoice will already have been created in our ERP system. I would like to create an invoice report that will take the following as parameters: customer number, billing period date range, and multiple invoice numbers (the number of of invoices may vary by billing period) and based on that information go out to the database and look up each invoice number and invoice lines for each one and combine them all into one report. This new invoice will be assigned a unique number from the database (haven't decided how to do that yet) but that's not the most important at the moment. I know how to create parameter input on a report, but I guess I am not sure on how to handle this multiple invoice on the report as well as on the SQL Server.
I am using Crystal Reports XI and SQL Server 2008
Thank you Soooooo much for your help!
Thank you in advance for reading my post. I am trying to figure how to approach this problem. My company ships stuff internationally to Asian countries and to make things easier we want to create one invoice out of multiple ones for the same customer for any given billing period. Basically a single customer may have lets say 3, 5 or however many invoices for a billing period. Each separate invoice will already have been created in our ERP system. I would like to create an invoice report that will take the following as parameters: customer number, billing period date range, and multiple invoice numbers (the number of of invoices may vary by billing period) and based on that information go out to the database and look up each invoice number and invoice lines for each one and combine them all into one report. This new invoice will be assigned a unique number from the database (haven't decided how to do that yet) but that's not the most important at the moment. I know how to create parameter input on a report, but I guess I am not sure on how to handle this multiple invoice on the report as well as on the SQL Server.
I am using Crystal Reports XI and SQL Server 2008
Thank you Soooooo much for your help!