does anyone know how to solve this problem ?
In my company we have ACCPAC server and WEB server.
the problem is when I debug my program (web application using vb.net) is running fine; but when I compile and put it in to the WEB server my program crash.
On my project I use AccpacCOMAPI as reference.
I use simple program to test this problem, here is the code.
Dim mysession As AccpacSession
mysession = New AccpacSession
lbltest.Text += "mysession = New AccpacSession<br>"
mysession.Init("", "AP", "AP2000", "52A")
lbltest.Text += "mysession.Init(,AP , AP2000, 52A)<br>"
mysession.Open(tbUname.Text.ToUpper, tbPass.Text.ToUpper, "SLIDAT", Now, 0, "")
lbltest.Text += "mysession.Open(" & tbUname.Text.ToUpper & ", " & tbPass.Text.ToUpper & ", SLIDAT, Now, 0, )<br>"
lbltest.Text += "mysession.Close()<br>"
here is the error that I got when i try to open session:
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {B3B13604-A675-11D2-9B95-00104B71EB3F} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
I tried to search everywhere but no luck.
Carlos Yuwono
does anyone know how to solve this problem ?
In my company we have ACCPAC server and WEB server.
the problem is when I debug my program (web application using vb.net) is running fine; but when I compile and put it in to the WEB server my program crash.
On my project I use AccpacCOMAPI as reference.
I use simple program to test this problem, here is the code.
Dim mysession As AccpacSession
mysession = New AccpacSession
lbltest.Text += "mysession = New AccpacSession<br>"
mysession.Init("", "AP", "AP2000", "52A")
lbltest.Text += "mysession.Init(,AP , AP2000, 52A)<br>"
mysession.Open(tbUname.Text.ToUpper, tbPass.Text.ToUpper, "SLIDAT", Now, 0, "")
lbltest.Text += "mysession.Open(" & tbUname.Text.ToUpper & ", " & tbPass.Text.ToUpper & ", SLIDAT, Now, 0, )<br>"
lbltest.Text += "mysession.Close()<br>"
here is the error that I got when i try to open session:
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {B3B13604-A675-11D2-9B95-00104B71EB3F} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
I tried to search everywhere but no luck.
Carlos Yuwono