Like "mcgettge" on 9 Jan 2003 I'm irritated by having to reset column widths in my Notes Inbox and other folders every time I switch folders. I'm running R5.0.3. Checking "Retain View Colum Sorting" does not retain the column width settings in R5.
"NeilDT" suggested on 13 Jan 2003 "to update the design of your Mail database to retain the new column settings for your Inbox". If you're out there NeilDT please explain if I can do this from a remote location. I'm in another hemisphere from my Notes server. Or what to request my administrator to do to change column widths. Thanks.
"NeilDT" suggested on 13 Jan 2003 "to update the design of your Mail database to retain the new column settings for your Inbox". If you're out there NeilDT please explain if I can do this from a remote location. I'm in another hemisphere from my Notes server. Or what to request my administrator to do to change column widths. Thanks.