I have a datagrid with two bound columns and I need to add a column containing a pair of radiobuttons per row. Is there an easy way to do that using VS.net, or must I code it to dynamically generate the radiobuttons at databinding time?
I realized that I need a RadioButtonList, which I addded to a template column in my datagrid. This is what I currently have for a binding subroutine:
Private Sub grants_datagrid_bind()
disp_grants_org_lbl.Text = candidate_orgs.SelectedItem.Text
'disp_grants_org_lbl.Text = selected_org_nm 'WHY DOESN'T THIS WORK???
disp_grants_pi_lbl.Text = selected_pi_nm
Dim strConn As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectstrW"
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter("[dbo].get_grants_for_pi", strConn)
Dim workParam As New SqlParameter()
Dim mydad As New SqlDataAdapter()
mydad.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand("[dbo].get_grants_for_pi", conn)
mydad.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
mydad.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@pi_id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = selected_pi_id
Dim ds As New DataSet()
So now that I already have all of that data floating around this subroutine - how do I set the appropriate radioButton in each approprate row? The names of the buttons are oligo_grant_yes and oligo_grant_no. The name of the database field with either a "Y" or "N" value is oligo_user.
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