I'm fairly new to Mysql and am trying to execute the following command:
insert into mhmissing(transid, recordid, clearingfirm, account, putcall, symbol, expiryear, expirmonth, strikedollar, strikefrac, longshort, securitytype, tradeprice, netposition, cusip, recordtype, tradesymbol, expirday, decimalstrike, spc, exectime, execdate, tagnumber, optiontype, contractyear, contractmonth)
select * from mhimports,mhini where mhimports.symbol = "" && mhimports.tradesymbol != mhini.original_sym
and am receiving the above error. These are all of the values located in the table. Any help??
insert into mhmissing(transid, recordid, clearingfirm, account, putcall, symbol, expiryear, expirmonth, strikedollar, strikefrac, longshort, securitytype, tradeprice, netposition, cusip, recordtype, tradesymbol, expirday, decimalstrike, spc, exectime, execdate, tagnumber, optiontype, contractyear, contractmonth)
select * from mhimports,mhini where mhimports.symbol = "" && mhimports.tradesymbol != mhini.original_sym
and am receiving the above error. These are all of the values located in the table. Any help??