Anybody out there, who knows how to switch echos or prompt to other colours/bold font?
I used to work with Solaris/xterm/tcsh for a verly long time, now I switched to hpux/xterm/(posix-)sh. I am missing a simple way in getting eg. bold prompt, or a echo from a script eg. errors in red, warning in yellow...
Guessing it is not a problem of my xterm, since when I login to a Red Hat 9 Linux machine with bash I see executables coloured in green in the ll output.
I investigated a little bit and found some hints
but I don't know how to use this...
Best Regards, Franz
UNIX System Manager from Munich, Germany
I used to work with Solaris/xterm/tcsh for a verly long time, now I switched to hpux/xterm/(posix-)sh. I am missing a simple way in getting eg. bold prompt, or a echo from a script eg. errors in red, warning in yellow...
Guessing it is not a problem of my xterm, since when I login to a Red Hat 9 Linux machine with bash I see executables coloured in green in the ll output.
I investigated a little bit and found some hints
colour setting on dt/hpterminals
green="\033[32m" # switch green on
bold="\033[1m" # bold
yellow="\033[33m" # switch yellow on
red="\033[31m" # red
blue="\033[34m" # red
normal="\033[m" # normal; switch color/bold off
stat="\033[71G" # write at pos 71 (status)
Best Regards, Franz
UNIX System Manager from Munich, Germany