Hello, i am creating hyperlinks on the page below, and for some reason, they are coming out in red, and not the conventional blue
that i want. (Sorry about the code be in such a mess!)
Can anyone explain why this is the case?
Thanks in advance
If Session("Username") = "" Then
Response.Redirect "Login.asp"
End If
<TITLE>Add an Event</TITLE>
TD.cal { font-family:arial; font-size: 8pt; }
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<script src="calendar/AnchorPosition.js">
<script src="calendar/CalendarPopup.js">
<script src="calendar/PopupWindow.js">
<script src="calendar/functions.js">
<div name="calendar" id="calendar" style="LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; background-color:#DDDDDD"></div>
var cal = new CalendarPopup('calendar');
cal.offsetX = 20;
cal.offsetY = 0;
function txtDate_fct(y,m,d)
<body bgcolor="#99CCFF">
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<p align="center"><u><b><font size="7" face="Arial">Add an Event </font></b></u></p>
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<FORM ACTION = "addeventtodb.asp" METHOD= "post" >
<font face="Arial">Event Name <input type="text" name= "txtEventName" size="20"><BR>
Date <input type="text" name = "txtDate" size="20" readonly><A
onclick="cal.setReturnFunction('txtDate_fct');cal.showCalendar('anchor1');return false;" href="#" name=anchor1 id=anchor1><IMG
height=28 src="calendar/calendar.gif" width=43 border=0></a> (calander)<BR>
Time <input type="text" name = "txtTime" size="20"> enter in the format timePM<BR>
Location <input type="text" name = "txtLocation" size="20"><BR>
<textarea name="txtDetails" col="40" rows="3" wrap="virtual" cols="20"></textarea> <BR>
Other Info
<textarea name="txtInfo" col="40" rows="3" wrap="virtual" cols="20"></textarea> <BR>
Username <input type="text" name = "txtUsername" size="20"><BR>
<INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Clear"></font></form>