I 've got a formula in the details section which makes up a number of string variables so we can output all of the strings at the end of a report.
Some of the elements of the string (if they meet certain criteria) need to be a different colour. But they have to remain as part of the same string.
Can someone help me? I know you can format sections and format whole objects, but i've never come across colour formatting within the formula editor.
i.e. if a then buildstring:=buildstring + newelement
if b then buildstring:=buildstring + (red) new element
I'm not too sure if you can do this or what the syntax of colour formatting is within Crystal.
Thanks for listening.
I 've got a formula in the details section which makes up a number of string variables so we can output all of the strings at the end of a report.
Some of the elements of the string (if they meet certain criteria) need to be a different colour. But they have to remain as part of the same string.
Can someone help me? I know you can format sections and format whole objects, but i've never come across colour formatting within the formula editor.
i.e. if a then buildstring:=buildstring + newelement
if b then buildstring:=buildstring + (red) new element
I'm not too sure if you can do this or what the syntax of colour formatting is within Crystal.
Thanks for listening.