This is a recent problem... When I print any pdf from Acrobat 6 Pro on Mac, the colors are awful. It looks like the results of sending RGB data to our CMYK copier, but it is definitely CMYK. The colors, especially blues and reds, are all washed out and dull. But when I send the same file from Acrobat 6 Pro on the PC, colors are perfect. And if I import into ID CS on Mac, colors are perfect. The file was created in Quark (not sure version) on a Mac. (It's a customer file, so I don't know if she's using export from Quark or creating and distilling a PS file.)
Is there a setting in Acrobat somewhere that would cause/fix this? I've made sure that the Print Setup printer matches the actual printer it's being sent to. Other than that I'm not too familiar with output settings from Acrobat...
Is there a setting in Acrobat somewhere that would cause/fix this? I've made sure that the Print Setup printer matches the actual printer it's being sent to. Other than that I'm not too familiar with output settings from Acrobat...