I have just upgraded my server from nt to win2k pro, i downloaded the sw and driver and patch for drivers off the hp site, installed all. The media is recognized and everything looks to be working fine, i set a schedule for a daily backup and selected what i wanted backed up. When the time comes the job starts and i can here it doing it's backup. But then after the backup is complete I can't open the .exe cause it is already running, if i go to task manager and end the process i can open the app again but everytime i open the app it say that the catalog has to be repaired, if i say no it quits if i say yes repair it will repair but now i got no log if the backup took place, i can go to restore and click the media tab and get at the backed up data. how to i get around this, on my old server(NT) this never happened to me. Am I not setting something porperly..any ideas, any help would be appreciated.