Technical User
Have the following formula:
if {@PrintExtItmDesc} = "Y" and {PO_PurchaseOrderWrk.ExtendedDescriptionKey} <> array("", "0000000000") then
formula = {PO_PurchaseOrderWrk.ExtendedDescriptionText}+chr(10)+chr(13)& "MTR Required"
I would like the part "MTR Required" to come out in red. Is it possible to code the color within a formula?
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if {@PrintExtItmDesc} = "Y" and {PO_PurchaseOrderWrk.ExtendedDescriptionKey} <> array("", "0000000000") then
formula = {PO_PurchaseOrderWrk.ExtendedDescriptionText}+chr(10)+chr(13)& "MTR Required"
I would like the part "MTR Required" to come out in red. Is it possible to code the color within a formula?
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