Ok, I have this great new datagridcolumnstyle I created but the only way I can use it is if I manually create the tablestyle and all associated columnstyles. The designer does not list my custom columnstyle as one of the selectable options (only textboxcolumn and boolcolumn are available).
So I did some reading and discovered a way to integrate my custom columnstyle into my designer. In the solution is the class System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor. For whatever reason, my designer doesn't contain this class. Microsoft lists this class on their website. Why wouldn't I have it and what can I do to add it?
So I did some reading and discovered a way to integrate my custom columnstyle into my designer. In the solution is the class System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor. For whatever reason, my designer doesn't contain this class. Microsoft lists this class on their website. Why wouldn't I have it and what can I do to add it?