I was wondering, how do you load the data out of a coldfusion page (.cfm) or does it need to be a .cfc page? into a dynamic text box in a flash movie?
<Coldfuion page - member.cfm>
<cfquery name="flash" datasource="Flash">
SELECT username FROM member
Do I need anything else on that page? like <cfoutput>?
<FLASH MOVIE - member.swf/.fla>
A dynamic text box - instance name is flash
a clip event - onClipEvent(load)
What is the AS i need to make it possible?
Thank u.
I was wondering, how do you load the data out of a coldfusion page (.cfm) or does it need to be a .cfc page? into a dynamic text box in a flash movie?
<Coldfuion page - member.cfm>
<cfquery name="flash" datasource="Flash">
SELECT username FROM member
Do I need anything else on that page? like <cfoutput>?
<FLASH MOVIE - member.swf/.fla>
A dynamic text box - instance name is flash
a clip event - onClipEvent(load)
What is the AS i need to make it possible?
Thank u.