Technical User
We are using the script below, but it is sometimes not running and gives the error. How can we find out what went wrong?
@ECHO off
REM contactsegment_cognos_custom.bat
REM This batch file updates the Contactsegment cube. Use this file to test the updating and the time needed for updating.
REM Make adjustments to file paths as needed.
REM Remove pauses to use in automated jobs
ECHO -----------------------------------
ECHO Updating of contactsegment_cognos_custom cube in progress ECHO -----------------------------------
REM This is the location of the Cognos Transformer executable.
cd "C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin"
REM This points to the Avaya cube to be updated ECHO Cube update started at %date% - %time%
trnsfrmr.exe -n2 -s -i -nologo -koadb=oadb/oadb -krepository=oadb/oadb "C:\Program Files\Avaya\BI\reports\cognos\cubes\MMA\contactsegment.mdl"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
if errorlevel 1 goto error
ECHO -----------------------------------
ECHO Update of ContactsegmentCustom cube successful
ECHO -----------------------------------
goto end
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO An error has occurred while updating the ContactsegmentCustom cube
ECHO The cube may be locked by another process , try transforming manually to establish error
ECHO Cube update failed at %date% - %time%
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
@ECHO off
REM contactsegment_cognos_custom.bat
REM This batch file updates the Contactsegment cube. Use this file to test the updating and the time needed for updating.
REM Make adjustments to file paths as needed.
REM Remove pauses to use in automated jobs
ECHO -----------------------------------
ECHO Updating of contactsegment_cognos_custom cube in progress ECHO -----------------------------------
REM This is the location of the Cognos Transformer executable.
cd "C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer4\bin"
REM This points to the Avaya cube to be updated ECHO Cube update started at %date% - %time%
trnsfrmr.exe -n2 -s -i -nologo -koadb=oadb/oadb -krepository=oadb/oadb "C:\Program Files\Avaya\BI\reports\cognos\cubes\MMA\contactsegment.mdl"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
if errorlevel 1 goto error
ECHO -----------------------------------
ECHO Update of ContactsegmentCustom cube successful
ECHO -----------------------------------
goto end
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO An error has occurred while updating the ContactsegmentCustom cube
ECHO The cube may be locked by another process , try transforming manually to establish error
ECHO Cube update failed at %date% - %time%
ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------