I try to understand how Cognos works.
Is there anybody who can tell me how Cognos creates the .mdc (multidimensional cube)File. Where can I find it ?
Is it also created if the creation of the Cube failes ?
Which Files are nessecary for Cognos to build the .mdc File ? How can I get the sQL statements which together build the mdc-File ?
ther is a functionality called drill-through, it means to create a kind of view as it is known from oracle.
this mechamisem builds a button in the cube. By pressing the button the user gets the Data frm the area which is connected to the button.
please conn any body tell me more about it, which proceses are running ? which programs are nessecary ? which Files are build for the Button ? ... I want to know nearly all about it ;-)
Perhaps you can tell me a link to an documentation in which I can study it.
special Thanks for your answers !
I try to understand how Cognos works.
Is there anybody who can tell me how Cognos creates the .mdc (multidimensional cube)File. Where can I find it ?
Is it also created if the creation of the Cube failes ?
Which Files are nessecary for Cognos to build the .mdc File ? How can I get the sQL statements which together build the mdc-File ?
ther is a functionality called drill-through, it means to create a kind of view as it is known from oracle.
this mechamisem builds a button in the cube. By pressing the button the user gets the Data frm the area which is connected to the button.
please conn any body tell me more about it, which proceses are running ? which programs are nessecary ? which Files are build for the Button ? ... I want to know nearly all about it ;-)
Perhaps you can tell me a link to an documentation in which I can study it.
special Thanks for your answers !