The code below is designed to pull totals into the Page Footer. The code works perfectly in Preview mode but the totals don't show in Print mode.
Although I changed methods, I would still like to know why the totals won't show in Print mode.
Any clues?
Although I changed methods, I would still like to know why the totals won't show in Print mode.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim x As Currency
Dim y As Currency
Dim z As Currency
Dim i As Currency
Dim h As Currency
Private Sub PageFooterSection_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
PageSumPMT = RunSumPMT - x
x = RunSumPMT
PageSumCOPAY = RunSumCOPAY - y
y = RunSumCOPAY
PageSumADJ = RunSumADJ - z
z = RunSumADJ
PageSumDEDUCT = RunSumDeduct - i
i = RunSumDeduct
PageSumTotalPayments = RunSumTotalPayments - h
h = RunSumTotalPayments
End Sub
Any clues?