Technical User
I can't get this code to work and after several hours of trying, I could need a couple of fresh eyes to have a look at it.
If I query just the sql part it works fine and register in both tables, but when I add the
php part it register in t1 but not t2. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
I can't get this code to work and after several hours of trying, I could need a couple of fresh eyes to have a look at it.
If I query just the sql part it works fine and register in both tables, but when I add the
php part it register in t1 but not t2. What am I doing wrong?
$q= "INSERT INTO submissions (SubmissionID, NameInsured, FEIN, EffectiveDate, DateRecieved, DateSubmitted, Producer, Contacts1, ClassCode)
VALUES (NULL, '$NameInsured', '$FEIN', '$EffectiveDate', NOW(), '$DateSubmitted', '$Producer', '$Contacs1', '$Classcode')";
"INSERT INTO test (EvaluationID)
$result = mysql_query($q);
Thanks in advance