I have some code that I am trying to execute but I'm just not getting the correct results. I have modified the data so that it should find a match and it is not. When it gets to this piece of code: "If barcDocReport.RecordCount > 0 Then" it shows up as "0" in my MsgBox code. Is there something I am missing between comparing data from a .csv file and a query pulling from a linked table in Access? The linked table is coming from a SQL Server from Sharepoint.
Address is equal to a url: (ex.
fileName = Trim(Mid(Address, InStrRev(Address, "/") + 1))
MsgBox "fileName: " & fileName
'set object for Barcelona Report csv file
barcDocReport.ActiveConnection = myConnection
MySQL2 = "SELECT BarcelonadocReport.Document FROM BarcelonadocReport WHERE TRIM(BarcelonadocReport.[Document])='& TRIM(fileName) &';"
barcDocReport.Open MySQL2, , adOpenStatic
If barcDocReport.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "FileName Match: " & barcDocReport.Fields("Document").Value
End If
Set barcDocReport = Nothing
End If
Address is equal to a url: (ex.
fileName = Trim(Mid(Address, InStrRev(Address, "/") + 1))
MsgBox "fileName: " & fileName
'set object for Barcelona Report csv file
barcDocReport.ActiveConnection = myConnection
MySQL2 = "SELECT BarcelonadocReport.Document FROM BarcelonadocReport WHERE TRIM(BarcelonadocReport.[Document])='& TRIM(fileName) &';"
barcDocReport.Open MySQL2, , adOpenStatic
If barcDocReport.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "FileName Match: " & barcDocReport.Fields("Document").Value
End If
Set barcDocReport = Nothing
End If