I am posting bellow the code from a template page I got. The code is full in code view an displays properly in internet explorer but I can't make any changes because I can't see anything in design view. Somebody help me please!
Here's the code:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
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about_on.src = "images/about_on.gif";
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news_on.src = "images/news_on.gif";
downloads_on = new Image ( );
downloads_on.src = "images/downloads_on.gif";
blog_on = new Image ( );
blog_on.src = "images/blog_on.gif";
contact_on = new Image ( );
contact_on.src = "images/contact_on.gif";
homepage_on = new Image ( );
homepage_on.src = "images/homepage_on.gif";
about_off = new Image ( );
about_off.src = "images/about_off.gif";
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news_off.src = "images/news_off.gif";
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downloads_off.src = "images/downloads_off.gif";
blog_off = new Image ( );
blog_off.src = "images/blog_off.gif";
contact_off = new Image ( );
contact_off.src = "images/contact_off.gif";
homepage_off = new Image ( );
homepage_off.src = "images/homepage_off.gif";
function button_on ( imgName )
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function button_off ( imgName )
if ( version == "n3" || version == "e4" )
butOff = eval ( imgName + "_off.src" );
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onmouseover="button_on('blog'); return true">
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onmouseover="button_on('homepage'); return true">
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<P class="subheader">Get to know your hosts</P>
<P align="justify">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis. Ut egestas. Donec et massa. Proin libero urna, varius eget, faucibus et, sollicitudin in, massa. Integer <a href="">porta dapibus</a> purus. Nulla faucibus gravida purus. Ut pharetra volutpat justo. Sed faucibus, lectus id eleifend congue, odio felis pharetra nunc, vel bibendum enim eros vitae lacus. Proin dolor erat, pulvinar id, ornare et, cursus id, lorem. Aenean justo risus, posuere ac, venenatis id, pellentesque eu, quam. Praesent pellentesque sollicitudin mi. Cras adipiscing. Etiam semper aliquet leo. Vestibulum euismod varius orci. Etiam id ante a tortor ultricies mollis. Donec commodo dolor at libero.</P>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="283" height="1">
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<P align="justify">
Ut pharetra volutpat justo. Sed faucibus, lectus id eleifend congue, odio felis pharetra nunc, vel bibendum enim eros vitae lacus. Proin dolor erat, pulvinar id, ornare et, cursus id, lorem. Aenean justo risus, posuere ac, venenatis id, pellentesque eu, quam. Praesent pellentesque sollicitudin mi. Cras adipiscing. Etiam semper aliquet leo. Vestibulum euismod varius orci. Etiam id ante a tortor ultricies mollis. Donec commodo dolor at libero.</P>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="A4A089" width="390">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="320" align="left">
<img src="images/space.gif" width="37" height="1"></td>
<P class="subheader">.. and others</P>
<P align="justify">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis. Ut egestas. Donec et massa. Proin libero urna, varius eget, faucibus et, sollicitudin in, massa. Integer porta dapibus purus. Nulla faucibus gravida purus. Ut pharetra volutpat justo. Sed faucibus, lectus id eleifend congue, odio felis pharetra nunc, vel bibendum enim eros vitae lacus. Proin dolor erat, pulvinar id, ornare et, cursus id, lorem. Aenean justo risus, posuere ac, venenatis id, pellentesque eu, quam. Praesent pellentesque sollicitudin mi. Cras adipiscing. Etiam semper aliquet leo. Vestibulum euismod varius orci. Etiam id ante a tortor ultricies mollis. Donec commodo dolor at libero.</P>
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Here's the code:
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
browserName = navigator.appName;
browserVer = parseInt ( navigator.appVersion );
version = "n2";
if ( browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer >= 3 ) version = "n3";
if ( browserName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && browserVer >=4 ) version = "e4";
if ( version == "n3" || version == "e4" )
about_on = new Image ( );
about_on.src = "images/about_on.gif";
news_on = new Image ( );
news_on.src = "images/news_on.gif";
downloads_on = new Image ( );
downloads_on.src = "images/downloads_on.gif";
blog_on = new Image ( );
blog_on.src = "images/blog_on.gif";
contact_on = new Image ( );
contact_on.src = "images/contact_on.gif";
homepage_on = new Image ( );
homepage_on.src = "images/homepage_on.gif";
about_off = new Image ( );
about_off.src = "images/about_off.gif";
news_off = new Image ( );
news_off.src = "images/news_off.gif";
downloads_off = new Image ( );
downloads_off.src = "images/downloads_off.gif";
blog_off = new Image ( );
blog_off.src = "images/blog_off.gif";
contact_off = new Image ( );
contact_off.src = "images/contact_off.gif";
homepage_off = new Image ( );
homepage_off.src = "images/homepage_off.gif";
function button_on ( imgName )
if ( version == "n3" || version == "e4" )
butOn = eval ( imgName + "_on.src" );
function button_off ( imgName )
if ( version == "n3" || version == "e4" )
butOff = eval ( imgName + "_off.src" );
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onmouseover="button_on('news'); return true">
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onmouseout="button_off('blog'); return true"
onmouseover="button_on('blog'); return true">
<img src="images/blog_off.gif" width="39" height="23" border="0" name="blog"></a></td>
<a href="contact.html"
onmouseout="button_off('contact'); return true"
onmouseover="button_on('contact'); return true">
<img src="images/contact_off.gif" width="58" height="23" border="0" name="contact"></a></td>
<a href="index.html"
onmouseout="button_off('homepage'); return true"
onmouseover="button_on('homepage'); return true">
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<img src="images/space.gif" width="37" height="1"></td>
<P class="subheader">Get to know your hosts</P>
<P align="justify">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis. Ut egestas. Donec et massa. Proin libero urna, varius eget, faucibus et, sollicitudin in, massa. Integer <a href="">porta dapibus</a> purus. Nulla faucibus gravida purus. Ut pharetra volutpat justo. Sed faucibus, lectus id eleifend congue, odio felis pharetra nunc, vel bibendum enim eros vitae lacus. Proin dolor erat, pulvinar id, ornare et, cursus id, lorem. Aenean justo risus, posuere ac, venenatis id, pellentesque eu, quam. Praesent pellentesque sollicitudin mi. Cras adipiscing. Etiam semper aliquet leo. Vestibulum euismod varius orci. Etiam id ante a tortor ultricies mollis. Donec commodo dolor at libero.</P>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="283" height="1">
<td bgcolor="8E8A71"><img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="1"></td>
<td bgcolor="8E8A71" height="291" valign="top">
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<img src="images/space.gif" width="37" height="1"></td>
<P align="justify">
Ut pharetra volutpat justo. Sed faucibus, lectus id eleifend congue, odio felis pharetra nunc, vel bibendum enim eros vitae lacus. Proin dolor erat, pulvinar id, ornare et, cursus id, lorem. Aenean justo risus, posuere ac, venenatis id, pellentesque eu, quam. Praesent pellentesque sollicitudin mi. Cras adipiscing. Etiam semper aliquet leo. Vestibulum euismod varius orci. Etiam id ante a tortor ultricies mollis. Donec commodo dolor at libero.</P>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="A4A089" width="390">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="320" align="left">
<img src="images/space.gif" width="37" height="1"></td>
<P class="subheader">.. and others</P>
<P align="justify">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas felis. Ut egestas. Donec et massa. Proin libero urna, varius eget, faucibus et, sollicitudin in, massa. Integer porta dapibus purus. Nulla faucibus gravida purus. Ut pharetra volutpat justo. Sed faucibus, lectus id eleifend congue, odio felis pharetra nunc, vel bibendum enim eros vitae lacus. Proin dolor erat, pulvinar id, ornare et, cursus id, lorem. Aenean justo risus, posuere ac, venenatis id, pellentesque eu, quam. Praesent pellentesque sollicitudin mi. Cras adipiscing. Etiam semper aliquet leo. Vestibulum euismod varius orci. Etiam id ante a tortor ultricies mollis. Donec commodo dolor at libero.</P>
<td background="images/shadow.gif"><img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="1"></td>
<td valign="top" bgcolor="ffffff">
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