Technical User
CRV10 - I have a monthly turnover report that has a start date and stop date parameter. I have just found out that in order to schedule the report to automatically run (with the system we are using) the report can not have any user entered parameters. I am having to change my report to “last full month” but all of my running totals used the start and stop date parameters. For example:
{EMPLOYEE.TERM_DATE} >={?Start Date} and
{EMPLOYEE.TERM_DATE} <={?Stop Date} and
{PCODES.CODE} = "03" and
Everywhere I have used {?Stop Date} now needs to use the last day of the last full month, and the {? Start Date} needs to be the first day of the last full month.
Could someone please help me with a revised formula? I don’t know how to code “last day of the last full month” and “first day of the last full month”. Could you please use the above example in your answer if possible?
{EMPLOYEE.TERM_DATE} >={?Start Date} and
{EMPLOYEE.TERM_DATE} <={?Stop Date} and
{PCODES.CODE} = "03" and
Everywhere I have used {?Stop Date} now needs to use the last day of the last full month, and the {? Start Date} needs to be the first day of the last full month.
Could someone please help me with a revised formula? I don’t know how to code “last day of the last full month” and “first day of the last full month”. Could you please use the above example in your answer if possible?