Doe anyone know of code or algorithm to help calculate an RGB or color number for the following:?
Given a foreground of black and a background of white, yellow is a suitable highlight color, therefor a constant can be used in code.
However if different grids have different fore and bkground colors, using a constant to hightlight could obliterate the text.
I am looking for a way to calculate a conditional highlight color, either RGB or long number, based on the particular fore and back colors of that grid. Is there a way to do this? Would there be a way through manipulating bits?
I am assuming if there were, it would have to calculate a new fore and back color number.
Given a foreground of black and a background of white, yellow is a suitable highlight color, therefor a constant can be used in code.
However if different grids have different fore and bkground colors, using a constant to hightlight could obliterate the text.
I am looking for a way to calculate a conditional highlight color, either RGB or long number, based on the particular fore and back colors of that grid. Is there a way to do this? Would there be a way through manipulating bits?
I am assuming if there were, it would have to calculate a new fore and back color number.