On my form I have a subform that groups together members of staff by a locationId so that I can record staff activity i.e.; annual leave, overtime, sickness. The subforms record source is a query made up of my staff table "tbltruststaff" and a table with no records "tbltemp" the SQL is:
SELECT tbltruststaff.S_LocationId, tbltruststaff.Paynum, [S_Name] & "," & [F_Name] AS EmployeeName, tbltruststaff.Grade, tbltruststaff.WTE, tbltemp.OT, tbltemp.EX, tbltemp.LTS, tbltemp.STS, tbltemp.AL, tbltemp.ML, tbltemp.SL, tbltemp.CL, tbltemp.UL, tbltemp.OL
FROM tbltruststaff LEFT JOIN tbltemp ON tbltruststaff.Paynum = tbltemp.PayNum;
To send the records to the records table "tblrecords" I have an append query controlled by the on click of a command button, the SQL is:
INSERT INTO tblRecords ( LocationId, PayNum, Grade, DateId, HRS, OT, EX, LTS, STS, AL, ML, SL, CL, UL, OL, ED )
SELECT forms!frmmain!list2 AS F_locationId, tbltemp.PayNum, tbltruststaff.Grade, forms!frmmain!list0 AS F_DateId, tbltruststaff.WTE, tbltemp.OT, tbltemp.EX, tbltemp.LTS, tbltemp.STS, tbltemp.AL, tbltemp.ML, tbltemp.SL, tbltemp.CL, tbltemp.UL, tbltemp.OL, tbltemp.ED
FROM tbltemp INNER JOIN tbltruststaff ON tbltemp.PayNum = tbltruststaff.Paynum;
Can anyone help me with the 2 problems I have.
1)When I add data to the subform the append query will only add the records that have the data to the records table but I need to have a record for each staff member even if there is no data. So if there is 5 staff in a location and only 2 have activity that week I still want 5 records for that location for that weekending.
2)and how do I add some code to the append query that would show a message box if the records already exist in the records table. My knowledge of coding is still very basis so any help with either of these problems would be very appreciated.
On my form I have a subform that groups together members of staff by a locationId so that I can record staff activity i.e.; annual leave, overtime, sickness. The subforms record source is a query made up of my staff table "tbltruststaff" and a table with no records "tbltemp" the SQL is:
SELECT tbltruststaff.S_LocationId, tbltruststaff.Paynum, [S_Name] & "," & [F_Name] AS EmployeeName, tbltruststaff.Grade, tbltruststaff.WTE, tbltemp.OT, tbltemp.EX, tbltemp.LTS, tbltemp.STS, tbltemp.AL, tbltemp.ML, tbltemp.SL, tbltemp.CL, tbltemp.UL, tbltemp.OL
FROM tbltruststaff LEFT JOIN tbltemp ON tbltruststaff.Paynum = tbltemp.PayNum;
To send the records to the records table "tblrecords" I have an append query controlled by the on click of a command button, the SQL is:
INSERT INTO tblRecords ( LocationId, PayNum, Grade, DateId, HRS, OT, EX, LTS, STS, AL, ML, SL, CL, UL, OL, ED )
SELECT forms!frmmain!list2 AS F_locationId, tbltemp.PayNum, tbltruststaff.Grade, forms!frmmain!list0 AS F_DateId, tbltruststaff.WTE, tbltemp.OT, tbltemp.EX, tbltemp.LTS, tbltemp.STS, tbltemp.AL, tbltemp.ML, tbltemp.SL, tbltemp.CL, tbltemp.UL, tbltemp.OL, tbltemp.ED
FROM tbltemp INNER JOIN tbltruststaff ON tbltemp.PayNum = tbltruststaff.Paynum;
Can anyone help me with the 2 problems I have.
1)When I add data to the subform the append query will only add the records that have the data to the records table but I need to have a record for each staff member even if there is no data. So if there is 5 staff in a location and only 2 have activity that week I still want 5 records for that location for that weekending.
2)and how do I add some code to the append query that would show a message box if the records already exist in the records table. My knowledge of coding is still very basis so any help with either of these problems would be very appreciated.