I am having a difficuly understanding when the code that is embedded into aspx page itself (NOT code behind file) is executed. I am talking about the inline code and when it is executed comparing to other page life cycle events such as Page Load, PreRender, Render, etc
What I am trying to do (without success) is to dynamically crerate a control and add it to a placeholder all from a function called from inline code <%AddDynamicControl();%>
The reason I am not doing this from code behind is because the dynamic control needs string that is created when another inline function is called
I am having a difficuly understanding when the code that is embedded into aspx page itself (NOT code behind file) is executed. I am talking about the inline code and when it is executed comparing to other page life cycle events such as Page Load, PreRender, Render, etc
What I am trying to do (without success) is to dynamically crerate a control and add it to a placeholder all from a function called from inline code <%AddDynamicControl();%>
The reason I am not doing this from code behind is because the dynamic control needs string that is created when another inline function is called