I have Crystal Reports version 8.5 Developer Addition and I am developing an application to view Crystal Reports. I am developing it in C++.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CRViewer9, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICrystalReportViewer9, (void **) &m_CRViewer);
SUCCEEDED(hr) returns FALSE.
HRESULT_CODE(hr) returns 496 (0x1F0)
The CLSID and IID I found by generating the IDL from the crviewer.dll's typelib information. I believe this is the object I would use for viewing reports. However, I am clueless to what the exact Interface I am to use is.
I cannot find -any- documentation describing the interface for the Crystal Reports Viewer object. I don't even know if I choose the right CLSID and IID. I have two books, both of the Crytal Decisions "Technical Reference" books for version 8.5 and 9 and they do not describe it well.
Has anyone done this before? Have any sample code you could send me?
Jeremy Bair
I have Crystal Reports version 8.5 Developer Addition and I am developing an application to view Crystal Reports. I am developing it in C++.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CRViewer9, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICrystalReportViewer9, (void **) &m_CRViewer);
SUCCEEDED(hr) returns FALSE.
HRESULT_CODE(hr) returns 496 (0x1F0)
The CLSID and IID I found by generating the IDL from the crviewer.dll's typelib information. I believe this is the object I would use for viewing reports. However, I am clueless to what the exact Interface I am to use is.
I cannot find -any- documentation describing the interface for the Crystal Reports Viewer object. I don't even know if I choose the right CLSID and IID. I have two books, both of the Crytal Decisions "Technical Reference" books for version 8.5 and 9 and they do not describe it well.
Has anyone done this before? Have any sample code you could send me?
Jeremy Bair