I have to send an eps out to a vendor for printing, and he's requested the PMS colors of the logo art. The original art was sent to me by the client, and was created in CMYK. I have a blue I have been trying to match to a pantone solid coated, swatch by swatch, in IL 10.0.3, using the CMYK values as a reference. Is there a way to search by this data? Is there an application that will do this for me?
The values are: c:100 m:94 y:0 k:6 - if someone could give me the Pantone process coated PMS number, or please PLEASE tell me how to find it more easily, I'd be grateful.
The values are: c:100 m:94 y:0 k:6 - if someone could give me the Pantone process coated PMS number, or please PLEASE tell me how to find it more easily, I'd be grateful.