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CMS - How many calls were in queue for 60+ seconds before being anwsered by an agent

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Technical User
Jul 9, 2007

Have a group wanting to know how many calls were in their skill prior to being answered by an agent for at least 60 seconds. They don't want the average, they want an actual count. Call profile shows abandoned and ACD calls, but is there something like that for how long calls queued up? Haven't been able to find anything in the CMS Data Dictionary yet.


Check out the Split/Skill Call Profiles. You can set up reports that show how many calls answered between 0-5 sec, 6 - 10, etc. So if you set up a profile that is 60+ you will know how many calls were answered after waiting 60 seconds.

- Stinney

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” - Confucius


That's what I was thinking, but the reports don't seem to match what I was expecting to see.

For example. he Split/Skill Call Profile shows ACD Calls and Abandon Calls. All counts are falling in the first 3 buckets (which are calls at 0, 5, 10 seconds).

Now, the Split/Skill Summary Daily report shows there was a Max Delay call of 2:48. But, this 2:48 call doesn't show up on the Call Profile report. I would expect to see this call show up in the last bucket of our Call Profile (which is 180+ seconds). Both report show the exact same call counts for ACD and Abandon.

What am I missing? I know it has to be something simple.


I think the issue might be that the profile report is going to show you how many calls were answered within the times specified. So the abandoned calls are not going to be counted in this report.

To get the time every call waited I'm thinking you probably would need the External Call History Interface installed so you get all the metrics for every call individually.

- Stinney

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” - Confucius

Sorry, as nerdy as it sounds, I really miss my access to CMS and working with it, so I'm going by a lot of memory here. There also appears to be abandoned call profiles:


The ABNCALLS1 through ABNCALLS10 items appear in the following database tables:

Split/skill tables
The number of CALLSOFFERED that are abandoned during the collection interval in each of the service-level increments PERIOD1 through PERIOD9, as defined on the Call Center Administration: Split/Skill Call Profile window. If call profiles are not set, the data is stored in the first interval (ABNCALLS1). ABNCALLS10 counts calls that abandoned after PERIOD9.

- Stinney

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” - Confucius

We have ECHI installed and we see the Abandons on the Call Profile report. It appears our other skills report properly, just not this one.

I wonder if it was a Flow Out call or something and for the long duration, not tagged as an Abandon or ACD call.

Guess I'll have to try and run some scenarios to see if I can replicate how this might have happened.

Are you queuing calls to multiple skills?

- Stinney

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” - Confucius

Hmm......interesting thought.......yes, in this case we are queuing to the skill that gets answered and then to a q-lamp skill at the same time.

But are you only queuing to the second skill for queue lamp functionality? Is it never answered in that skill? Just thinking that if it's answered in another skill you need to take into consideration the skill that answered the call. In your ECH you would look at the skill 1 and skill 2 and see which skill answered the call.

- Stinney

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” - Confucius
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